So ive been home for over a month now, and i know its really harsh, but my mother is driving me insane. I really cannot stand being home. Just everything she does seems to irritate me. I suppose its hard living away and doing everything for yourself and then having to come back and have someone fussing around you. Which no offence she only talks to me when she wants to moan about something. I still do my own washing, clean my room, cook for her and my brother and i pretty much look after myself. Whereas my mums cleans my 22 year old brother's room and does his washing and when im not here she cooks for him and does the washing up.
It drives me insane how much he gets away with. He works all day, thats fair enough. But when i was struggling though my GCSE's and my A Levels, I had to come home and cook for the house and sort the animals etc... So how come he gets away with it?
Mothers are automatically maternal, and as i have grown up, due to the fact ive been my mother's carer since i was 7, and now have left for uni, my mother only has my brother who as a man likes being looked after. It is pathetic, she cleans his room daily and cleans the bath out after him, which is disgusting by the way.
I miss Jack, and i cannot wait to go back to uni to be with my friends. I am off to Jacks on monday and im couting down the minites. x